Run #110 The Magic Circle in

Run #110 Chaos without the GM

Run #104 The Halfway Beer Stop

Run #104 The Three Wise

Run #103 Grant's Sister - Auld
Banger shows brov how to do a down - down!

Run #103 Grant still wondering
when he will be mugged!
It was at the Bar!!!

Run #103 Beer Stop by the
River Arun

Run #103 Grant from South
Africa wants to know where are the guns in case we get mugged!

Run #96 Ooh
me improving her skin tone with a good mud bath!

Run #96 -
Slash Gordon feels the beer could taste better!

Run #84 -
Oooh nooo where did I put the woordys - Perhaps they won't notice if
I talk C*"p

Run #84 What do you
mean how come I never got wet crossing water!

New Years
Day Walk 2010 - Indian WW1 Memorial
Largest turnout for a walk - 53!

Run #83
Xmas'09 - Photo by Snotty

Run #82
Hashshit Award for being mean to kids!

Run #82 Made
it to the Beer Stop!

Run #82 "You
want me to suck that!" - See a Doctor!

Run #82
The Aud Banger has a blow out!

Run #81
Motley Crew at Sayers Common

Run #81 Sir Snot Leader of the

Run #29 - Lost Photo's
26-04-04 - Cum Lately is there!

Run # 29 Cum Lately for those
that have not seen him!

Run #77
Attendance 21 - Record Turnout!!!!!

Run #75
Attendance 16 - Some New Young Faces!!!!!

Walkers Led
and Lost by Nightmare finally make it back!

New Virgin
Lucinda taking her first Down Down in style!

Got the T-Shirt to say he was on Run 75 in 2009!

Halfway thru Beer waiting for the rest of the Pack and Homer needs
to go!

having just dropped a Beer - Alcohol abuse!

Eeh and Orr
- Where the *@*" are we!

Walker - We take anyone!

More animals
introduced at Swains Farm!

A good
turnout for the 70th

The GM sets
a good example!

Now Drink it
Cum Lately!

shows Cum Lately how to Down Down!

A rare sight
in 2008!

Seamus the
RIH3 GM & Hasher with his buddy Dribbles. Seamus passed away on
7 July 2007 Henfield Run #62 will be in his honour - Sadly missed by
many of us.

Cum Lately
pulls the crowds even with lack of beer!


Runs (Plus some walks!)

Some time
out for a quick 4 ball!

Education, Education
(Shame it
was half term!)

Where's the

Cum Lately
finally brings the beer! 
shopping at ASDA's!
and Quotes] [Run
write ups]