Henfield Hash House Harriers
Henfield 100
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Fellow Runner,
Henfield Hash House Harriers is a non-competitive, social running
club, which was started on 29th October 2001 and normally run in and around the Henfield area once a month
on a Sunday, starting at around mid-day.
trails" are between 3-5 miles. The trails are designed to
handicap the fastest runners, so that people of all running
abilities usually finish about the same time. Henfield
has also started walking hashes to go along side our regular hashes,
check above if a walking Hash is included. Always
check this web site for the most up to date run information.
can be described as a Henfield drinking club with a running problem and we do
have half way beer stops (generally) and normally arrange food at
the end of our runs, we also have a 'down down ceremony' at the end
where non alcoholic drinks are now included for any car drivers. We are a fun loving
crowd and welcome any virgin runners to join our group, just bring
change of running shoes and a sense of humour.
A collection £2 is made before
any run to cover down downs any first timers are exempt from this
fee. Any additional drinks or food are the responsibility of the
you want any more details you can e-mail
me on Tell Me More
or if you want to get more directions call me on my mobile +44 (0)
7711 518437 (Stan).
Sir Snot Snotty
(GM) Henfield Hash House Harriers [Photos
from some Runs] [Links
and Quotes] [Run
write ups] [100
Photos] |